Alberto Mosquera Lopez appointed as new National Director for WV Bolivia

Thursday, October 4, 2012


This Thursday September 20th, the official announcement of the appointment of Alberto Mosquera López as the new National Director of World Vision Bolivia took place. Stefan Pleisnitzer, LACRO Regional Director communicated the decision with immediate application. 


Stefan Pleisnitzer first summoned Vice Directors and managers from the different units to have a conversation about the new leadership in Bolivia. The response was positive, with expressions of gratitude and recognition to the labor achieved by Ing. Mosquera during the transition and the certitude of his performance in favor of the country, hereafter. Everyone agreed in saying that it was about a topic given to God from the beginning.


It was explained that the decision was taken together with the Directive Board of Bolivia, whose members propose this appointment considering Alberto Mosquera’s performance in the last months. The Regional Director supported the suggestion and at the same time, thanked de detachment of the Directive Board of Ecuador, country where Ing. Mosquera worked as a National Director before coming to Bolivia.


“I want to recognize and thank specially the example of double citizenship given by the Directive Board of WV Ecuador, who have supported this decision from the perspective of the confraternity, although it has not been easy letting Alberto go, after all the work he has made during his job as a Director in Ecuador”, said the Regional Director.


After the meeting with leaders, all the personnel were gathered in the NO’s meeting room to communicate the decision to all the collaborators of WVB. In this meeting, the new National Director thanked Ms. Glanice Hilarión from Human Resources Area at LACRO who followed the process and supported the National Office during these days, with the purpose of closing the dialogue process between the Global Center, LACRO and Bolivia’s NO.


Finally, the Regional Director of LACRO sent an e-mail to make known to all the offices of WVB in all the country about the appointment. The last paragraph of this message is exposed next:


“I’m conscious of the big challenges that we face as an Organization in Bolivia, a situation that we will be able to solve with the help and direction of God and also working together as one body from the regional and national leadership, the Directive Board, all and everyone who is part of World Vision Bolivia. Together we can make a significant contribution for children, adolescents and young people from Bolivia so they are protected and become promoters of a fairer and more secure society! I ask you to have Alberto present in your prayers and also the directive team that accompanies him in this important labor. I take the opportunity to congratulate Alberto for this new appointment and I invite you too to salute and congratulate him as well”.