Kadek Nur : Being Pregnant Isn’t a Big Problem to Serve Another Child

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Integrated Health Post (Posyandu) Seruni 1 looks quite because of the students of PAUD (Early Childhood Care and Development) already back home. Nur Hasanah (35yo) still busy to finish some notes and often looking at her smartphone. She looks at Commcare (mobile Posyandu/mPosyandu), as one of mobile application who facilitated Posyandu in Posyandu Seruni 1. She always uses that apps at the time she wants to monitor data of children development.

Nur is a cadre of Posyandu Seruni 1 at Simolawang Regency, Simokerto District, Surabaya. She was active in Posyandu Seruni 1 since she accompanied two of her son to check their health.

This time is her third pregnancy. Currently, she is in the second trimester. Even though the pregnancy quite large, Nur did not stop her activities including performing her duties as a cadre.

“Because of this is my third of pregnancy, so that I can move easily. Being pregnant is not an obstacle to be active in Posyandu,” said her.

Ninety toddlers registered in Posyandu Seruni 1. Nur makes a data of each toddlers routinely. To help her duties, she uses mPosyandu. This apps really helps her to input the data of children weight and height development. The thumbs icon will appear if she put the data on it.

“If the thumbs up, that means a child has a good nutrition, but if the thumbs down, a child is lack of nutrition. I love when the icon shows thumbs up. It means children have a good health condition,” said Nur.

She shows how to use mPosyandu apps, such as input the data until she gets a result. Every process is going well and easy. Even though she just started to use the apps in one year, but she felt the benefit of it.

“This apps makes me smarter than before. It only takes 5 minutes to see the movement of the children development. It used to 15 minutes to do all process,” she explained.

She hopes that mPosyandu can help the toddlers measurement become faster and efficient. She also hopes that every month the mothers are not absent bringing their toddlers to Posyandu.

"There are still many mothers who can not attend Posyandu because they have to work. I hope they can come to check their child to Posyandu, because if not his own mother, who else want to do it?" she concluded.



Written by Rena Tanjung, Fields Communication Officer Wahana Visi Indonesia