Disaster Risk Reduction - Yudi speaks to an global audience

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

By Beatrix Mbete, Monev officer, World Vision Indonesia East Sumba Programme

“Education is the key for a nation to succeed,”said Yudianto “Yudi”, 16, a youth from East Sumba District in East Nusa Tenggara Province.

Yudi, a first year student in senior high school, was a shy boy who has transformed into a confident young man through his participation in the East Sumba Child Forum.   

He has scores of achievements like becoming the leader of East Sumba Child Forum, becoming the chairman of OSIS, a student organization in his school, and achieving third rank in his class.

Involved in activities since 2012, Yudi also joined the Green Camp programme, facilitated by World Vision Indonesia. The Green Camp teaches children about the importance of protecting their limited natural resources.

A total of 7 schools and 407 students participated in tree planting activities. The children and youth learned that planting trees is part of their contribution to the future.

To follow up on the Green Camp programme, Yudi organised the Child Forum in his community to conduct an assessment on disaster risk reduction initiatives focusing on drought.

In turn, approximately 400 households in East Sumba District have undertaken investment in the form of economically valuable trees i.e. teak, gamalina, and mahoni trees over 150 acres. This saving method is not only beneficial for the future of their children but also part of their contribution to responsible environmental management.

Yuri presented about the East Sumba Child Forum's research about tree plantation & his experience on the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum in Sendai, Japan in March during the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction.

Yudi shares his drawing, "If I were UN General Secretary" during the Sendai conference.