Early education at Batu Jato is growing

Friday, April 10, 2015

Batu Jato Early Childhood Care for Development (ECCD) was established in Pantok Village, Sekadau District in January 2009, hobbled in the beginning. With only support from the Pantok Village government, Family Welfare Movement, and tutors who facilitated the learning process for early age children with only a minimum of knowledge and skill.

At that time, the ECCD facilitators only accessed one or two trainings. However, as the trainings discussed more theory than practice, participants did not really master the training materials. Meanwhile, community people were not aware of the importance of early education for their children.

When Wahana Visi Indonesia Sekadau Operational Office started integrative holistic ECCD, the centre in Pantok became the first priority for improvement. A series of meetings were held in Pantok Village at the end of 2013. Yanti Leosari, the person in charge for Wahana Visi's ECCD program in Sekadau, encouraged the re-development of Batu Jato centre.

As the centre tutors became more enthusiastic and community people began to support the presence of the centre. Wahana Visi invited tutors and members of Family Welfare Movement to join in the training. Representatives from 10 ECCD centres accompanied by Wahana Visi attended the training. The participants learned how to use various modules and approaches in the learning process. They were also trained on financial management.

Wahana Visi support started the positive impact on Batu Jato ECCD centre. From regular meetings, the parents realised that their contributions would support the education quality.

Suratmi, leader of Family Welfare Movement in Pantok Village, encouraged around 60 mothers who accompanied their children attend ECCD to supprt the centre's operations.

"They agreed to pay 5,000 rupiahs (US$ 0.45) per month to support the Batu Jato ECCD centre's operation," says Suratmi.

Members of the Family Welfare Movement in Pantok Village and tutors keep searching for creative ways to encourage children during the ECCD centre activities.

Now, the Batu Jato Early Childhood Care & Development centre can make a neat and clear financial records and the tutors have become more skillful in facilitating lessons. They believe that they can help prepare children in Pantok to be future leaders.

*Written by Ignatius Anggoro, Area Manager, Wahana Visi Indonesia at Sekadau operational office