Now we can eat vegetables

Friday, November 14, 2014

A nutritious garden has changed the lives of villagers in North Central Timor. One of the most significant changes was seen in Bannae village.

"Before our garden existed, we found it difficult to find and eat vegetables. Sometimes, when we got home late, we didn't eat anything. We had to buy vegetables every day. After the garden is constructed, now our family can eat vegetables anytime from our own garden," said Adelina, 33, a mother in Bannae village.

The nutritious garden programme was developed by Wahana Visi Indonesia in North Central Timor to improve food security. The nutritious garden programme started in January 2014 and monitored until September 2014.

Today, there are 29 families in Bannae village who have nutritious gardens. The unique technique used for constructing nutritious garden is twice-digging plots.

A twice-digging plot is different from a once-digging plot. First, a hole is dug and filled with a mixture of gamal's leaves, cow waste, banana stems, and sawdust. After that, it's covered with soil, and another layer of fertilizer. Finally it's covered with more soil. The result is highly nourished soil, perfect for vegetables.

Frida, 25, a mother and cadre of Integrated Post Service (Posyandu) in Bannae village also feels the benefits of the nutritious garden in her village.

"I am very happy. Now, we can eat vegetables everyday," said Frida.

*Written by Merlin Ernesta Benu, Development Facilitator, Wahana Visi Indonesia at North Central Timor operational office
Edited by Dogels Yusuf Maradesa, MCHN Coordinator, Wahana Visi Indonesia
at North Central Timor operational office