Our Work

Children enjoy good health 

Atlantsi ADP (Cape Town): in collaboration with TB Dots, the Drop-in centre forum, Saxon Sea Primary, Hermes Primary, Pella Primary schools and government departments, capacitated 3,173 youth members (age 14 to 19) on leadership aspects such as taking responsibility and leading by example, etc., life-skills (different themes including HIV and AIDS) and team building. The life skills including hygiene lessons, child rights, and God’s Word conducted in Mamre ensured that about 93 children (of whom 57 were registered children) participated.

In Kodumela ADP (Limpopo province) 594 people were reached through hygiene door to door campaign and 400 children at the drop-in centre were advised on hygienic ways of living. A total of 167 attended Immunization Awareness Campaign at Turkey Clinic and Sekororo Clinic.

In Mbekweni (Western Cape), 87 peer educators were trained; 271 children trained. During the STI and condom week, 1,274 trained. In HIV causes and prevention training, 915 children were addressed. During an awareness programme for World AIDS Day, 241 children were addressed. A total of 407 people participated in life skills programming where children were educated on sexual and reproductive health.

In Thusalushaka (Limpopo), Care workers were trained by the Health department as partners. They were able to encourage 80 mothers to bring their children to the local clinics for immunisation and medical check-up. 65 pregnant mothers were encouraged to visit clinics for Ante-natal check-ups. 35 healthy babies were born and the children were protected from the diseases and are enjoying good health. Community Care Coalitions (CCC) and Congregation Hope Action Teams (CHATS) attended the training at the ADP site and 39 attended. Care and support of the people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS was strengthened during the reporting period after the training. Prevention awareness was conducted in three schools where peer educators were engaged with learners.

At Ixopo (KwaZulu Natal), 50 caregivers received Infant and Young Child Feeding training which was facilitated by the Department of Health. An additional 13 caregivers were trained in the Road to Health Book including weighing, growth monitoring and how to plot the immunisation card. This will be beneficial to monitor the health of children.

Children educated for life 

Life-skills programmes were implemented in 20 schools in the ADP, and 30 schools were trained by the department of education. The feedback received from the educators in those schools is that learners are talking openly to their peers about their experiences. Home Visitors are also assisting with the life skills as they were also trained in life skills. 

Six support groups were strengthened and supported to care for infected and affected households of people living with HIV and AIDS. CCCs and Home Visitors have been trained on palliative care and are looking after palliative clients and the Non-Profit Organisation has also been capacitated in this regard. A total number of 3,309 orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) were reached with prevention, care and support services. These are the eight services as categorised by PEPFAR.

In Thaba Nchu (Free State) four schools (Namanyane, Ratau, Setlogelo and Khune primary school) were reached through the training received and competition at the schools. A total of 620 children were reached with life skills education with life skills. The in school programme has reached to 278 who are on the continued peer education programme. 

Experience love of God and their neighbours 

The Umzimkhulu ADP facilitated a Church Partnerships on Gender workshop utilising the Wonders of Sexuality Program, for 19 participants. An amazing dynamic happened in this workshop in that 75 per cent of the participants were youth. This prompted a discussion with the Church Partnerships and Gender group in Southern Africa Regional Office whereby plans are being put in place for developing the programme specifically to be driven by youth and to pilot the same at Umzimkhulu ADP.

Children are cared for, protected and participating

There has been a follow-up on the relationship established with the Anglican Church by the World Vision South Africa National Director. World Vision South Africa collaborated with the church and other organisations to promote children’s and youth participation. A one day youth rally was convened and that served as a platform on which children expressed issues that affect them, particularly on HIV and AIDS. The youth also took part in sporting events such as soccer, netball, volleyball and hockey. Other contributing stakeholders included the Department of Social Development, New Start, Heartlines, and Brothers’ for Life.

World Vision South Africa facilitated the establishment of municipality-wide stakeholder forum which serves as a platform for member community based organisations to meet and share information on the services rendered by the Mangaung Metro as well as the departments including the Department of Social Development (DSD). Through this stakeholder forum, the citizen voice and action was introduced.

In Umvoti, KwaZulu Natal, children have been capacitated with public speaking skills and training on child right and responsibilities. Issues of child protection have been addressed in the ADP with the involvement of community members. The ADP has seen a drastic drop on child abuse cases since 2011.