Child sacrifice in Uganda

Monday, July 27, 2015

A total of 87 cases of child sacrifice were registered between 2006 and 2014 nationwide in Uganda. Of these, only 23 were brought before the High Court. And over the 8 year period since 2006, not more than 2 people have been convicted.Sadly, it is still widely believed in some parts of the country that traditional medicine containing human body parts, blood or tissues is spiritually stronger and more powerful. Child sacrifice and mutilation affect many communities across the country, although the exact figures and statistics are hard to come by. This is due to a high level of secrecy in which this evil practice is shrouded. It is in response to this cruel and harmful practice against children that the Community Amber Alert Against Child Sacrifice (CAAACS) Project was developed by World Vision for Buikwe District in 2013.