Humbo Carbon Project

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Prior to Humbo Farmers Managed Natural Regeneration Project (FMNR) launched, the community were suffering from flooding, erosion, hot weather and erratic rainfall. Today, things are changing for the community of Humbo. The problem of flooding hazards is completely gone. The weather has shown slight improvement. Most importantly- familiies in the area are thriving.

Thirty-year-old Atlaye Loha, who resides at the foot of the mountain, is a living witness of this truth. He says, “Years before this project launched, the flood that was pouring from the mountain was taking away our crops. The flood was also entering our home and destroying our properties. But today, thanks to World Vision, that sort of flooding is halted. Our villages are no longer overwhelmed by flooding.  Our crops are safe. Our farm land fertility has increased by two-fold.”