Changing the way mother's feed their children

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ving cooks porridge in the early morning before she does any other work, and her husband helps her when she is busy. Little Phanna has nutritious food three times a day at 6am, at noon and again in the late afternoon.

“Actually feeding the feeding is not easy, but we need [to] try our best to take care of him. We have to love and spend time with him," Ving says.

Mother cooking food

“He likes eating this kind of food and breastfeeding," Ving says while she is smiling at her son.

The porridge is a green mix of rice with green vegetables, meat, and egg. Sometimes, she doesn’t need to buy fish at the market when her husband has a good fishing day.

“World Vision has worked closely with pregnant women [and ones] who have young children like me. They trained us on how to take care and provide nutritious food for our children."

World Vision staff and the Village Health Support Group (VHSG) have worked closely with the villagers to encourage them to properly care for their children, improve hygiene, and encourage them to set up home gardens.

“Without receiving the training from World Vision, we would taken care of our children in traditional ways,” Ving says.

Father and son on the bike

“The traditional way is starting to feed our babies when they are four-months-old with the same things the adults are eating,” Ving adds.

Undernutrition and diarrhoea are challenges that many of the children in Ving’s community encounter. She doesn’t want her child to face these problems. 

“We are committed to practice what we have learned from World Vision to take care of our child."

“Daddy, mummy, and eat,” are a few words that Phanna speaks to the parents.

Village health support group member Vann Chantha praises Ving for her attention to her child. “Other parents could learn from Ving about how to take care of children. We want to see all children healthy and well nourished,” Chantha says.