Future staff of World Vision

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Small but agile, Linh always wears a happy face with joy sparking in her eyes and smile.

She is currently a fifth-grader at Yên Lc primary school where she is also one of the most enthusiastic children helping the teachers arrange books in their school’s friendly library.

Linh is a chatterbox every time we visit her. “I had so much fun taking part in the summer swimming class and celebrating mid-autumn festival with my friends!”

Linh also expresses her heartfelt excitement when recounting the changes she has witnessed over the past year since World Vision started opera-tion in her community.

“Our school playground is covered with red clay tiles. Our library has much more shelves and books. Other villagers frequently visit my family to instruct my grandma on many things, such as making hygienic latrine and chicken coop,” joyously lists Linh.

The “villagers” Linh mentions are the facilitators and members of the nutrition club where her grandma is attending to learn about nutrition and childcare practices. Linh and her younger sister used to be malnourished due to poverty. Now, both sisters have become much healthier. Linh’s grandma also received four hens which provide eggs for their daily meal.

“When their parents broke up and left them, neither of them ever smiled or went out to play with their friends. Since they joined the children’s club and had more friends, I don’t even know where to find them,” Linh’s grandma humorously shares with a content smile.

“You will find me at Nga’s house. We are rehearsing our singing performance to sing at the village’s culture house,” Linh explains.

Their closeness and contagious happiness make us feel genuinely delighted. We ask Linh about her wish for the future, and her answer is to be an employee of ‘Tm Nhìn’ [a cordial name by which community people call World Vision] when she grows up, so that she can help others the way ‘Tm Nhìn’ has helped her family.

Nguyen ThNam, NhThanh ADP’s Program Officer in Charge