Warm light after dark days

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Ty Na experienced consecutive losses when she was very young. Her father, grandfather and mother died, one after another.

Na quit school, moving to stay with her grandmother who was unable to take care of any mouth to feed. They often went to bed on an empty stomach.

“Then World Vision gave us a hand. I now feel there’s less burden on my shoulders,” says Na’s grandmother.

World Vision in Hai Lang district helped Na pay her school fees. “I’ve been able to go back to school,” says Na. “I also received a desk and a bike. I don’t have to do homework on the floor anymore and I get to school quickly.”

Now, there's less burden of Ty Na's grandmother's shoulders.

“Na is smart. She’s often the first among her classmates to complete the tasks,” her teacher said.

Asked about her future dream, Na answered confidently: “I want to become a teacher like my teacher.”

Text: Nguyen Thi Le, Nguyen Thi Be, Dang Thi My Ai, Nguyen Huynh Anh