Improving child well-being

Petak, Januar 13, 2017

World Vision in the South Asia Pacific Region will in 2017 continue to work toward higher levels of "Child Well Being" for vulnerable children in the region. Child Well Being means, for us, a better life for all children, especially those subject to poverty with all its consequences, as well as children living in disaster-prone communities. Although a number of countries in our region have improved public service delivery to their citizens, there are still millions of children, their families and communities at risk of economic shocks, poor health and sanitation, lack of access to quality education, incidences of violence against children and poor law enforcement in child protection. An alarming number of children live in city slums.

All of these socio-economic challenges are the reason we work in ten countries spanning Vanuatu in the Pacific to India in the west. We will strive as a region to stay true to our vision for every child: LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS, OUR PRAYER FOR EVERY HEART, THE WILL TO MAKE IT SO. 

We will continue to engage external partners in our work as we cannot achieve our Child Well Being targets on our own. In our work with communities, we will engage like-minded child-focused organizations to enhance the local, national, regional and global agendas for poverty reduction, and to achieve a better life for children in challenging environments and circumstances. 

It is important for us to actively and constructively engage the Governments in the countries where we work to be a key partner. Our aim is to ensure that through initiatives like "Citizens' Voice in Action", we enable local communities to work with their public service providers to lobby for appropriate and responsive services, such as primary health care and child protection.

World Vision in the South Asia Pacific Region will continue to rely on our Christian faith in God's provisioning and mercy for children, families and communities, and we will prayerfully progress through the year and seek God's will and desire. 

Jan de Waal, Regional Leader
World Vision International - South Asia and Pacific Office