Empowering communities through peace-building exercises

Mardi 2 janvier 2018 - 10:43

This project is funded by Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung and implemented by World Vision, Madrasati, Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) and Right to Play with an overall objective to improve resilience of children and their communities through peace-building activities, infrastructure enhancement, and education capacity building. This objective acknowledges the protracted nature of the Syrian crisis, now close into its seventh year, and the calls from government ministries and Syrian refugees alike for a more sustainable, balanced approach to Jordan’s evolving needs.  In key strategic documents (Government of Jordan’s Response Plan, UNHCR’s Refugee and Resilience Plan), greater importance is placed on increasing the resilience of both refugee and host communities. A resiliency approach not only employs a longer term strategy, but also sustains critical gains made during initial, emergency periods of the crisis. From such an approach, this project continues to focus on promoting social cohesion through empowering children as agents of peace-building and improving school infrastructure and services.