World Vision Celebrates Impact on well-being of children in East Africa

ხუთშაბათი, ივლისი 19, 2018

NAIROBI, 19th July 2018 - World Vision today commemorated its investment and impact on the well-being of children in the East Africa region at an event that was graced by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The organisation has been a major player in the region’s development, relief and advocacy sectors. World Vision has been recognised for spearheading ground breaking initiatives that have benefited millions of vulnerable children and their communities, giving them hope for a brighter future.

In East Africa, World Vision’s projects focus on improving education and health of children, as well as eradicating all forms of violence against them. Examples of the initiatives include, ending child marriage, child neglect, sexual violence and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Aside from improving the well-being of children, the children’s charity also supports communities affected by disasters such as displacement, food insecurity, drought and floods.

The organisation goes further to enhance the provision of adequate water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH) services targeting vulnerable communities, so as to cushion them from ailments like diarrhoea - a major cause of children’s deaths in East Africa.

“To achieve this goal, we have to continue reaching out to the most vulnerable children in the remote and far flung areas as they are the most affected by human suffering. Moreover, children need to have a happy childhood, free from injustices that cause so much suffering and prevent them from reaching their full potential. That is why we need to continue championing their rights,” stated Dr. Stephen Omollo, Vice President of World Vision in East Africa.

At the event, the organisation also celebrated major 2017 Sustainable Development Goals milestones in Kenya. World Vision;

  • Enabled 200,695 people to gain access to basic clean drinking water sources, including 155 schools that benefited 58,887 children. It also enabled 190,537 people to access basic (improved) household sanitation facilities.
  • Increased immunization coverage by reaching 22,818 children with age appropriate vaccines as per the Government of Kenya Ministry of Health’s extended immunization programme. 
  • Improved literacy in children through the provision of digital learning skills that benefited 24,086 children, as well as offering training to 663 teachers on effective pedagogical (teaching) skills.
  • Enhanced life quality of children living with disabilities through the provision of 1,446 wheelchairs. 
  • Facilitated 11,340 households to adopt appropriate post-harvest technologies, hence minimizing food shortages caused by damage due to poor storage facilities. These efforts helped reduce malnutrition that impedes optimal mental and physical development of children.
  • Influenced the development of the Government of Kenya’s - Kenya Youth Agribusiness Strategy that aims at providing new opportunities for young families in agricultural enterprises. The implementation of this strategy will enable an estimated one million youth to enter the job market and take good care of their families.

Notes for editor:

World Vision is an international Christian humanitarian organisation that is dedicated to working with children, families and communities worldwide. It empowers communities to reach their full potential by addressing causes of poverty and injustices affecting them. 

The organisation partners with communities, governments, sponsors, donors and corporates to realise its global strategy, Our Promise 2030, which aims at building brighter futures for vulnerable children in East Africa.