Chris Hoffman headshot

Chris Hoffman

Regional Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs Director for East Africa

I am really driven by two things, helping those in need and my family. Currently with World Vision, I provide programmatic oversight on humanitarian interventions throughout East Africa, World Vision's largest region and the most in need region in the world. 
Together with my team we not only ensure that standards and protocols are met, but we assist our colleagues on how best to deliver our programmes, what to deliver and with whom to work with. We have seen exponential growth in our humanitarian programming in the region over the last five years and this can be attributed to a strong leadership that promotes quality, innovative programmes.
Monthly, the East Africa Region serves over 1,000,000 individuals (of which 650,000 are children).  Each of the nine countries in East Africa are suffering from some form of crisis and some thought of as fragile contexts.
I’ve been with World Vision for four years, and in the coming year I look forward to taking some of our newest innovations to scale--such as the Electriloo and the Food ATM.