A Diagnosis about violence against children and adolescents is presented

Thursday, October 4, 2012

This October 2nd it was celebrated the International Day of Non Violence. Besides, this 2012 was declared as the Year of Non Violence against Children and Adolescence. As part of the commemorative acts, the Parliamentary Network for Children and Adolescence with the NGO World Vision Bolivia (WVB) prepared a series of diagnosis and research documents about violence and protection systems for children and adolescence in 14 municipalities of the country, with representatives samples of the 10% of the population of each community, with children, adolescents, fathers, mothers, teachers, local authorities among others. The research took place in municipalities of Santa Cruz, Oruro, La Paz, Cochabamba, Tarija, Potosí and Chuquisaca focused on children, which means that the investigation started from the thinking and feeling of children and adolescents from the communities. 

The objective of this diagnosis was to make known the problematic of violence against children in communities in relation to topics as trafficking and smuggling, sexual, physical, psychological, emotional violence, abuse, negligence, sexual exploitation and others. Make known the reasons why these actions are taken immediately and those underlying. Besides it shows the type of social system that acts or not, protecting children; that means family, school, community, etc.

“The research helps to have a vision less abstract of what violence is with actors and concrete situations. It helps to known better this problem, beyond abstract and multicausal data of violence, attached to social, cultural, economical and even psychological issues”, said Jimena Tito, Children and Adolescents Protection Responsible in WVB.

Other progresses in the implementation of the law, were:

In Tiraque Locality, in Cochabamba, it took place a process of strengthening to Children Advocacy offices with the formation of a Children Protection Commission in the community, integrated by the police, ombudsmen, justice secretaries, and authorities from the communities, women organizations, which support the articulation of local and national authorities. In Tiraque, it was organized trainings in issues like Trafficking and Smuggling Law, Selfprotection, Human Rights, among others.

It were organized Departmental Congresses of the Children and Adolescence Advocacy Offices in Santa Cruz and Oruro, with the participation of parliamentarians. In these Congresses, the Law against school violence was socialized with the Deputy Sempértegui, who started this Law project. The work has been made in 6 departments of Bolivia to systematize inputs.