ENSURE Faces of Change: Nutrition Care Group

Friday, August 14, 2015

ENSURE’s Care Group Impact…

Olivia Matorere (36) comes running down towards her homestead; we are told she was attending a Care Group Meeting at a center nearby. We have already set up and patiently wait for her to arrive, after all this is what we encourage the women in the program to do; engage in the nutrition groups and the other various trainings that the program promotes! Clad in an ENSURE program t-shirt promoting the “Exclusive Breastfeeding” message Oliva apologizes with a smile and sits next to her husband Fidelis Chamhazhika (39) for the interview. Fidelis explains that life in Mutidzawanda village in Chimanimani is hard and the family often used casual labor jobs as well as buying and selling of tomatoes from distant towns to supplement their livelihood. 

We have built trust, and share what we have to share among us. The Care Groups have really created a spirit of togetherness amongst the women of this village. Previously you would pass many homesteads and not even say hello or share helpful tips but now because we are all so familiar and want to learn from each other, we feel like we are one! - Olivia

Fidelis however says his hopes have truly been raised by the ENSUR E program through the work he is doing with the Producer groups at a rehabilitated Irrigation scheme. Unlike the past years where he would struggle to get school fees, he currently has paid his school fees, bought a cow and is anticipating building a two-roomed brick house by mid-2016!