A Love of Mother to Build Young Generation

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Being a teacher of Kartini Kindergarten at Nanga Tempunak Village is a pleasure for Rondiah (35yo). She motivates herself to give the best for children. This year is 9th years of her journey as a teacher.

“Every child is unique. They have to be guided by adults, so I interested to treat them equally,” said Rondiah.

Most of the children at Nanga Tempunak did not join Kindergarten grade. Even though there is a place to run Kindergarten. The number of the students is 14. Most of the parents of the children do not have money to send their children to Kindergarten school. So that parent sends them to the Elementary school directly.

Kartini Kindergarten was collaborate with 01 Elementary School of Tempunak and placed in one place. However, by the deal with the headmaster of  01 Elementary School of Tempunak, Kartini Kindergarten separated and Mrs. Rondiah was chosen as a headmaster since 2016.

“The teacher got IDR200,000 for each month at the first time Kartini Kindergarten established. But the school committee tried to increase the salary, so we got IDR500,000 per month,” said her.

Even though she conquer a lot of challenges such as difficult access of road, the parents who do not understand about the importance of education, the character of children and lack of support from the government, Rondiah kept her spirit on.

“I got a lot of knowledge about how to make a good curriculum so I can resolve the teaching problems,” claimed her.

Kartini Kindergarten is one of holistic education in Sintang, West Kalimantan. The curriculum of holistic Early Childhood Care and Development in Kartini Kindergarten was present by the initiative of Melawi Sintang operational office of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI).



Written by staff of Wahana Visi Indonesia Melawi Sintang Operational Office