Mobile Library as Children’s Best Friend

Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) provides mobile library to children in some areas in Jakarta. The mobile library is called “Mobil Sahabat Anak” (Children’s Best Friend).
Monday, October 10, 2016

An ancient proverb once said that book is the window to the world. Interest in reading for Indonesian people is still low. Based on UNESCO data in 2015, reading interest in Indonesia is only 1000:21, it means that from 1000 people only 21 who regularly read books. Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) provides mobile library to children in some areas in Jakarta. The mobile library is called “Mobil Sahabat Anak” (Children’s Best Friend).

Dirman is the driver, he has been working at WVI for 8 years to drive the mobile library to WVI service area around Jakarta such as Cawang, Jatinegara, Cilincing, and Penjaringan. He drives the mobile library passionately to small alleys, opens the library for children, prepares the chairs and accompanies the children while they are reading, even helps them to read. “I remember when there was a five-year-old boy in Cilincing who could not read, so I accompanied and taught him to read until he is literate, now he is already in 3rd grade,” Dirman said proudly. Sometimes he must be strict as well as a supervisor when there is fighting among the children.

On a bright day in Penjaringan area where mobile library operated, as soon as Dirman parked the mobile, there were two children who immediately came over. The first one was Alif (6) who was really concentrated to his book. He was not bothered by the surrounding environment, he was still concentrated even the other children were chatty and made noises. Soleh (39), Alif’s father, said that Alif is an avid reader. His parents always buy him used books to read, so he has many books in his house. The later one was Vita, Vita is a 9 years old who in 3rd grade. She loves to read and since her school starts at noon, she visits mobile library before she goes to school. She loves reading books which have a lot of pictures and will read it loudly to help her understand.

Reading is really important for children in young age since it will make them be able to recognize more vocabularies and emotion. Through mobile library, the children can read books and the community are also easier to get information. The children used to play in the street in their free time before there was mobile library. Now they can get more information without leaving their area. Going to a library is one of the triggers that make children want to learn more.

Written by Mardea Mumpuni and Gloria Kezia Loupatty, Communication Department, Wahana Visi Indonesia