Teaching The Daraitam Villagers by Citizen Voice

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Bonaventura (52yo) is one of caretaker of SDN 11 Sangku, Daraitam Village School Committee. He is also a local facilitator of CVA (Citizen Voice and Action). Even though CVA program in Daraitam village has finished since 2017, Bonaventura never forgets the messages of education that he got from CVA program.

He said that he used to not care about school condition, even though he was a secretary of the school committee in SDN 11 Sangku.

“Before I took CVA training as a committee caretaker, I did not care about the school and what people did for school’s improvement. It because I did not get the knowledge and information about education standard,” said Bonaventura.  

Bonaventura said that school committee did not take their place personally and the teachers did not come together to support school program. Many parents of students also did not support the school. Several of them came to the school in the learning time to take the students back home.

Parents pushed the teachers to let the children go home before the time. The parents also pushed the teachers to make their children pass the test even though they are not.

“After the school committee caretakers, teacher, religious leaders, local government and I get the CVA training, we have a new vision for education and school. Not only realize the responsibility of education, we also get a lot of knowledge and basic info of education problems,” said Bonaventura.

Bona claimed that he find the differences of teachers’ habit after contributing to CVA training. Now, said Bona, the teachers become more discipline and intimate one each other.



Written by Pilipus Lada, Development Facilitator Area Program of Landak Wahana Visi Indonesia