Christopher Wachira

Christopher Wachira

Global Fund Unit Manager

Christopher Wachira is a humanitarian worker with over 20 years of experience. He is the Global Fund Unit Manager, providing management and technical support to World Vision’s multiple Countries' Global Fund-supported HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria grants portfolio. Before this role, he was a coordinator at the same unit. He has also worked with World Vision Kenya, Veterinaries sans Frontieres - Belgium, and Child Fund Inc, in different capacities providing a wide range of program management, implementation, business development leadership, strategic engagement, Monitoring, learning, and Evaluation. He is an active contributor and member of the International AIDS Society, the world’s largest association of HIV professionals.

As a Social Development Worker with a Public Health background, Christopher is highly attracted to and interested in initiatives that deliberately integrate and empower community systems for development. Follow Christopher at

Qualifications: Master of Public Health.