6 Months On Lombok Earthquake: Introduction That Bring Blessing

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The big earthquake that happened in Sambelia Sub District, East Lombok District destroyed almost ninety percent of the people's houses including various public facilities such as schools. (Sambelia 3 Elementary School) SDN 3 Sambelia is one of the schools that suffered significant damage and was not suitable for use.

As a result of this damage, students are required to carry out teaching and learning activities in the outdoor classroom just one week after the earthquake. A principal of SDN 3 Sambelia Muhammad Radhi Malik said the learning activities began again using the emergency tents, chairs, and tables that were still able to use after the earthquake.

"Our children were studied in tents provided by Wahana Visi Indonesia," Malik said.

According to Malik, SDN 3 Sambelia began to know Wahana Visi Indonesia (WV Indonesia) through a brief introduction to one of the teachers with one of the Child Protection in an Emergency staff of the Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response team in Lombok. Although fairly short, through the introductions, SDN 3 Sambelia has received a temporary school that can be used by students to study in post-earthquake conditions.

Bahdar, one of the teachers in SDN 3 Sambelia is the one who connects WVI with the school. Right in August 2018, Bahdar had received training related to psychosocial support for children in Lombok. Since then, he has never been absent from further meetings related to child protection in disaster response situations.

Bahdar explained, in addition to providing assistance in the form of tents, WV Indonesia also opened Mobile Library at SDN 3 Sambelia. Apparently, the activity with Mobile Library was not the last thing WV Indonesia did for SDN 3 Sambelia. Right at the end of 2018, WVI again helped SDN 3 Sambelia to have temporary schools.

Three temporary classrooms are now available at SDN 3 Sambelia. The temporary school has now been used by dozens of students, in turn, every day.

Meanwhile, according to Bahdar, he often continues to get socialization and training related to child protection in disasters in schools through the application of Safe Schools. Safe school systems teach children to be sensitive in mitigating disasters and protecting themselves in the event of a disaster. One of them is by creating evacuation signs at school.

"Each school must at least once a month to take action from a Safe School learning material. We at this school also have potential disasters such as floods, tsunamis, so it is important to know and do that," Bahdar said.

Johny Noya, Operation Team of the Lombok Earthquake Response Response Leader WV Indonesia confirmed this action. According to him, the WV Indonesia emergency response team in Lombok continues to educate teachers in schools that have the potential to be disaster-prone.

"We are collaborating with other NGO partners to provide this Safe School counseling," he explained.

For six months Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response of WV Indonesia has managed to establish ten temporary schools in North Lombok and East Lombok Districts. With the existence of this temporary school, it is hoped that children can still receive their rights to get an education during disaster situations until the disaster recovery period.


Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Field Communication Officer Wahana Visi Indonesia