Central Sulawesi Emergency Response: Now I Know a Healthy Menu for My Children

Thursday, February 21, 2019

After back from work, Hirmawati (42 yo) and her third child Fatih (4 yo) visit the house of the cadre of Posyandu (Integrated Health Post). For almost three weeks, Hirmawati regularly comes to the cadre's house to take part in the IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding) Kitchen program.

After the earthquake and tsunami hit the area of Central Sulawesi, Hirmawati had lived in an evacuation post for 4 months because of the condition of her damaged house. While at the post, she did not really care about food intake for Fatih. Her son ate anything that she provided. The food aid they got in evacuation post was not necessarily able to meet nutritional and protein intake for their children. However, due to limitations, there was no choice for Hirmawati and her children to eat non-nutritious food.

 "When we were in the tent, we only have instant noodles, so we ate it because at that time the conditions were also difficult to buy food," said Hirmawati.

Since there was IYCF Kitchen in the area where she lived, Hirmawati did not worry about the nutrition of her child. She regretted having ignored this before because, during her time at the evacuation post, Fatih's appetite also declined.

On that day Wahana Visi Indonesia met Hirmawati, she joined the IYCF Kitchen. She learned about a healthy menu for her children, such as moringa vegetable, fried chicken, and stir-fried tofu with papaya and gelatin for snacks. This menu must certainly meet the four-star menu requirements that contain carbohydrates, animal protein, vegetable protein, vegetables, and fruits according to the directions given at the beginning of the establishment of IYCF Kitchen. Every week, cadres and mothers together evaluate the menu and determine the food menu every week.

During the three weeks following the activities in the IYCF Kitchen, Hirmawati became aware of how to provide good food for babies and children so that their nutrition was fulfilled. If previously Fatih had only eaten what was eaten by adults, she now knew that meat intake in food was also important for children, especially for the fulfillment of protein, fat, and iron.

"I am happy with this IYCF Kitchen, Fatih's weight rises to 11 kilos more and he is also easier to eat with a diverse menu. I also became able to learn what four-star menu. Children need to grow and develop,” said Hirmawati happily.

 Through this activity at IYCF Kitchen, Hirmawati learned about the importance of food variants for children so they do not get bored easily. Fatih is happy with tofu, tempeh, chicken, and Moringa. In addition to this IYCF Kitchen, Fatih is easy to eat because there are many friends who eat together.

Wahana Visi Indonesia through the support of HSBC has opened 12 IYCF Kitchen in 12 points spread across the Sigi region and Palu. A total of 658 infants and toddlers received nutritional intake while participating through the IYCF Kitchen. In addition, mothers also get adequate information regarding the provision of clean and balanced food. Hirmawati now also knows more about the importance of providing breast milk (ASI), and continuing to breastfeeding even in post-disaster conditions.



 Written by: Melya Findi Astuti, Communication Officer of CENTRE Wahana Visi Indonesia