The Effort of People in Jakarta to Reduce Dengue Fever

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Dengue fever is one of the diseases that is caused by Aedes Aegypti mosquito and can be an epidemic of an area. Every village in Jakarta contributes to decrease the epidemic of dengue fever, including Penjaringan.  

All the people of Penjaringan Village have been monitored the case of dengue fever every Friday by doing Jumat Keliling (Jumling) activity. Deswellyn Bay is one of the cadres who involves in visiting people’s houses.

 “Most of us do Jumling regularly, every week  We are also supported by the local government to do that,” Bay explained.

The activity was held due toe the case happened in 2016. At that time, more than 30 cases of dengue fever were found in Jakarta. That is why the local government feels obliged to decrease this case by preventing dengue fever with eradication mosquito nests (Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk/PSN) activity. On June 2017 the Penjaringan Village agreed to make The Outbreak SKD (Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini) document of Dengue Fever, tried SmartDB as the reporting application and developed KIE’s media for cadres which were assisted by Wahana Visi Indonesia on SiGAP (Strengthening Government’s Ability towards Disaster Preparedness) Project. The local government involved in the activities to increase the awareness of people surround Jakarta area.

 “WVI came and explained their willingness to help us here,” said Bay.

At the same time, the Penjaringan Village’s local government was also doing the same effort. The activities in Jumling increasingly expended if people found at least one case of dengue fever.

 “If we get a dengue fever case, the cadres are making the report to the village’s local government and doing eradication mosquito nests to 20 houses surround the infected area,” Bay explains.

Bay and all of the cadres’ work finally got the results. In 2018 the cases of dengue fever decreased surprisingly, there is only one case reported inApril 2018. Bay said, the strengthening system which is called “Be Safe, Be Alert or Dangerous” on The Outbreak SKD (Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini) document of Dengue Fever really help the local government as the reminder to take an action for Jakarta area.  

 Written by Putri ianne Barus, Field Communication Officer Wahana Visi Indonesia