Loria Kulathungam

Loria Kulathungam

Knowledge Management and capability advisor, nutrition and health

Loria Kulathungam is a certified Knowledge Management expert with over 20 years of experience within World Vision. She is the Knowledge Management and Capability Advisor with World Vision International’s Global Health and Nutrition Team. Previously, she worked with World Vision Canada’s Nutrition and Health Team, Grants Acquisition and Management Team, and Program Strategy and Evidence Team, and with the World Vision International Nutrition Centre of Expertise. She has volunteered as a breastfeeding peer support counsellor, and serves as World Vision International’s representative on the Global Breastfeeding Collective.  She is passionate about sharing knowledge and best practices and connecting with World Vision’s Health and Nutrition Community of Practice. She spends her time ensuring that everyone has the information they need, when they need it.

She lives near Toronto, Canada with her husband, two sons, and a variety of pets.

Twitter: @LoriaKula

Email: loria_kulathungam@wvi.org