World Vision partners with Water Aid, Plan International, Live & Learn to strengthening WASH programs in Papua New Guinea

World Vision joins with World Vision, Water Aid, Plan International, Live & Learn and formed a WASH consortium to deliver improved health outcomes through inclusive and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene across Papua New Guinea (PNG).
WEBS or ‘WaSH Em i Bikpela Samting’ is abbreviated in Tok Pisin with an English translation of ‘WasH is an important issue’. WEBS is an initiative supported by the Australian Government through the Water for Women (WfW) Fund.
The consortium recognises improved access to equitable and socially inclusive WaSH services is essential to supporting the Government of Papua New Guinea’s COVID-19 response strategy. The aim is to improve WASH in healthcare facilities in the project areas while ensuring enhanced and equitable access to WASH services for women and girls and people living with disabilities.
Clement Chipokolo, World Vision in PNG’s Operations Director, stated a lack of proper sustainability of WasH initiatives implemented by NGOs. The issue needed to be resolved.
Mr Chipokolo stressed that “The sustainability aspect remains a huge challenge in WaSH, I think we should be looking at that sooner than later”.
Jeffery Nehi, Senior Program Manager for Water Aid, added that effective partnership with Government agencies and Departments would provide a clear focus on the sustainability of WasH interventions that the consortium will implement.
The WaSH Consortium Coordinator, Ms. Turea Wickham expressed that a strong representation from the Australian Government, consortium partners, Government of Papua New Guinea, Motu Koita Assembly, and Sub-national representatives is a way to galvanize the various actors in the WaSH sector.
The consortium will work closely with Communities, the District Authorities, provincial governments, and district and provincial level Education and Health managers of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, the National Capital District, Morobe Province and New Ireland province.