Burkina Faso Humanitarian Response Strategy (2021-2023)

Burkina Faso Humanitarian Response Strategy
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

In the midst of a global pandemic and a proliferation of chronic humanitarian crises, it is understandable that one might overlook Burkina Faso’s crisis. However, World Vision is committed not to turn away from the needs in Burkina. This country, once stable and considered immune from the enduring challenges of its neighbouring Sahelian countries, is fully in the grips of a triple crisis – armed conflict, COVID-19, and climate change.

With this background, World Vision has committed to a new Burkina Faso response plan, new operational areas and the goal of serving over 420,000 men, women, boys, and girls affected by the crisis. Complemented by our established humanitarian responses in Mali and Niger, Burkina Faso operations represent a needed and necessary effort within World Vision’s Central Sahel humanitarian response.