Rwanda - October 2018 Situation Report

Friday, November 16, 2018
  • Refugees in Rwanda: Currently, Rwanda hosts an estimated 174,922 refugees (figures as of 30, October 2017), of these over 54.3% are from Burundi while, slightly over 45.3% are from the Democratic Republic of Congo and the rest are from other nationalities.
  • Supporting education for refugees: Efforts are being made to provide opportunities for refugee children to access both primary and secondary education. World Vision is supporting this process through assistance in the form of school fees payment, school feeding, and incentives for refugee teachers in five camps.
  • Preparedness efforts for DRC upcoming elections: As neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo goes into the presidential polls on December 23rd, there are fears of a break out of violence that could result into Congolese seeking refuge in neighbouring Rwanda. World Vision is part of an inter-agency contingency planning and pre-emergency task force, led by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugees (DMR) prepositioning to respond to the possibility of an influx of refugees. This includes receiving and supporting the refugees.

For more information, read or download our October 2018 situation report.