DR Congo: Hundreds Of Pupils Trained To Protect The Environment On International Tree Day

By Didier Nagifi, Communications Officer
On Thursday, 5 December, World Vision celebrated International Tree Day in Ngandu AP, a locality in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. The event, organised at a local school, brought together 911 students, including 479 girls, to raise awareness among young generations about the importance of trees for the ecosystem and their immediate environment.
The Vital Role of Trees in the Ecosystem
During the ceremony, Mrs. Rebecca, Head of the Environmental Department of the Kimbanseke Commune, explained to the students the importance of trees in the daily life of local communities:
"Trees do more than beautify our environment; they are essential to our survival. They provide indispensable natural resources, such as wood, which is used to make benches, furniture, and other basictools."
Mrs. Rebecca highlighted that trees also play a key role in regulating the climate and protecting soils from erosion—functions that, although often invisible, are fundamental for the sustainability of local ecosystems.
The Tree: A Source of Life and Well-being
Romanie Litanga, Livelihoods Specialist at World Vision, expanded on this vision by emphasising another aspect of trees: their direct contribution to human health.
"A tree is not just a decorative element in our landscape; it also plays a crucial role in our well-being. Many plants and trees are used in the formulation of traditional remedies and modern medicines that heal and save lives."
She further explained that certain tree species, such as Moringa, are known for their nutritional and medicinal properties, and can be vital resources in regions where access to healthcare is limited.
A Symbolic Commitment from the Students
On this awareness day, the students had the opportunity to put the lessons they had learned into practice by participating in a symbolic action: planting several trees within their school grounds. This gesture, aimed at encouraging reforestation and raising ecological awareness, was praised by the organisers and local authorities.
Herxaverine, an 11-year-old student, expressed her thoughts on the importance of trees in simple yet profound terms:
"The tree is essential to our life: it gives us oxygen, and fruits, and protects us from the weather. Cutting down a tree without reason is harming humanity."
An Initiative for the Preservation of the Planet
This initiative by World Vision delivered a strong message about the necessity of preserving trees for the balance of our planet and to ensure the survival of future generations. By actively participating in the event, the students deepened their understanding of the importance of nature and their role as environmental guardians.
In conclusion, the day was a truly collective awareness moment, during which the young participants realised the environmental challenges at stake and made a concrete commitment to contribute to the protection of trees, true guardians of biodiversity and climate.