Dr Jean Baptiste Kamate (JBK)
"My personal experiences of poverty and my desire for greater equality inform how I make decisions as I lead our global field operations."
With more than 25 years’ experience managing humanitarian and development programmes, JBK oversees World Vision’s field work in 83 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. This includes VisionFund International, a World Vision subsidiary network of 28 microfinance institutions.
JBK has worked in programmes for the American Embassy in Mali, and held several executive roles in World Vision, leading regional operations across West Africa, and East Africa, and country programmes in Mali, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.
JBK has an MBA from Eastern University (USA) and a PhD from Regent University in Virginia Beach (USA). He is a member of the Board of Directors of VisionFund International.
Born in Mali, JBK is married, has two children and currently lives in London. His deep commitment to overcome poverty and injustice is driven by his upbringing and passion for the world’s poorest people and the blessings he believes they have to offer.