Getting Children and Youth in the Picture 2021

Friday, November 12, 2021

This report presents the views, experiences, and recommendations of 561 children
and youth from 11 countries across Asia and the Pacific on Civil Registration and
Vital Statistics (CRVS), gathered through a series of discussions and consultations
from March to April 2021.

The 11 participating countries were Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal,Pakistan, the Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Over 63% of the participating children and youth were under the age of 18, while the rest were between the ages of 18 and 24, with females making up the majority of those who took the survey.
Following the consultations, a regional forum was held via Zoom on May 29, 2021, during which the representative children and youth started drafting a joint video statement on CRVS, which will be shown at the Second Ministerial Conference on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific in November 2021. 61 children and youth attended the event, representing the 11 nations that held in-country discussions. Children made up 54% of the participants, and females made up 60% of the total.