Rwanda - May 2019 Situation Report

Rwanda - May 2019 Situation Report
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
  • According to the Faminine Early Warning System (FEWSNET), average to above-average rainfall since mid-April has supported crop growth, without causing flooding and landslides, unlike past seasons. This will be the fourth consecutive season with average to above average harvests, maintaining Minimal (IPC Phase 1) food insecurity outcomes through November 2019, though some very poor households are likely to remain Stressed (IPC Phase 2).
  • According to the UNHCR, Rwanda hosts approximately 149,000 refugees. World Vision continues to respond to the needs of refugees living in refugee camps through supporting education access to refugee children by implementing school feeding programmes, paying incentives to teachers and payment of school fees across five camps. World Vision also rehabilitates water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in the refugee camps making sure children and their families have access to clean and safe potable water.