Life-saving assistance for families affected by disasters and pandemic.

Disaster Risk Reduction & Response

Building resilience and being well prepared for disasters is the best way to reduce damage and causalities. World Vision Myanmar provides awareness on climate change, disaster risk reduction and management so that communities are better equipped in the event of natural disasters.

WVM is pre-positioned to respond to disasters with life-saving assistance and help families restart their lives. WVM has significantly expanded its humanitarian assistance to fragile contexts and helped children and the families affected by the armed conflict and communal violence in Kachin, Nothern Shan and Rakhine states.

Achievement in 2021

47,962 people received 6,698.654 metric tonnes (MT) of general food.

12,391 people received US$1,110,274 cash for 12 months improving food and nutritional security of family members.

243,851 people including 124,799 children received supports through area rehabilitation programmes and grant-funded projects.

2,075 people received disaster risk reduction awareness training.