Joint reaction to the new EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child

New EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child
Monday, August 9, 2021

The 24th of March 2021 is an important date for the rights of the child. The European
Commission (Commission) released its Communication for a new EU Strategy on the Rights
of the Child (Strategy). This document outlines proposals, actions and initiatives to further the
rights of children across six thematic areas, each one defining the priorities for action within
the EU and globally for the years to come.

We, the undersigned organisations, welcome this ambitious and comprehensive Strategy,
enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and guided by the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC).

We are pleased to see the Strategy taking on board many of the recommendations laid out
in our Joint Position Paper on a Comprehensive Child Rights Strategy (July 2020; henceforth
Joint Position Paper). We commend the European Commission’s recognition that all children
are equal and its recognition of children as active citizens and agents of change playing a
leading role in society. We also welcome the commitment to create a child-friendly culture in
EU policy-making and to mainstream and coordinate initiatives at national level and among key
stakeholders to ensure better implementation of existing EU and international obligations. We
commend the Commission’s efforts to ensure that the Strategy was developed in consultation
with children, and the creation of child-friendly versions of the document.

With Council Conclusions expected in the coming months and the implementation of the Strategy
underway, we would like to share our brief assessment and present some recommendations
for the future.