Celebrating Families: A project model for reconciling couples and families

Pastor Nadjitam Benoit - Tchad Hidden Hero
Friday, September 4, 2020

If what is said in the Bible in the fourth chapter of Hosea is inherent and true, "My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge," it is no less true that the rights of many children in Chad are neglected by some parents, including servants of God. Do they do it out of ignorance or out of convenience? We will never know enough, even if this question is central.  The question of children's rights is neither a desecration nor a sacrilege because God loves children. The Lord Jesus Christ says in the Gospel of Mark: "Let the little children come to me".

Among the essential practices adopted by the United Nations is the establishment of birth certificates, which is the first official document of any individual; giving them a legal existence. In the town of Ngourkosso, a man of God seems to have understood his responsibility in the development of children. Pastor Nadjitam Benoit, who is in his forties, is the coordinator of the churches in Benoye.

The Lord Jesus Christ says in the Gospel of Mark: "Let the little children come to me". Among the essential practices adopted by the United Nations is the birth certificate, which is the first official document of any individual, and which gives him a legal existence. In the town of Ngourkosso, a man of God seems to have understood his responsibility in the development of children. Pastor Nadjitam Benoit, who is in his forties, is the coordinator of the churches in Benoye.

After 15 years of practical ministry, he takes part in a training of facilitators on the Celebrating Families (CFC) project model held in Novotel, Ndjamena in 2018. This training marks a new beginning in his life. Now his vision of the world is changing. Paradigms inherited from traditions make him constantly question everything he accepts without explanation.

Thus, in his own family, a new perspective opens up for his children who have never had a birthday.

Thanks to values derived from the CFC training, he slaughters a chicken to celebrate his children's birthdays; an occasion that allows the whole family to give thanks to God and to share joy together. This type of feast has become a habit for this man of God who always offers a symbolic meal in honour of each of his children's birthdays. This practice, which is beginning to become a habit with his children, builds in their minds the conviction that they have consideration, because the day of their birth no longer goes unnoticed.

In the exercise of his pastoral ministry, especially in the area of helping to restore relationships, the pastor has achieved enormous results. The CFC project model from which he has benefited training has changed his approach to helping couples nearing separation. It helped many couples who were on the verge of throwing in the towel and even those who were living in marital tension.

In his family, the children are constantly sharing their difficulties with him and, unlike in previous years, there is harmony.

In front of the advisory board, the National Director's team and the Moundou base operations team, Pastor Benoit did not hold back words of gratitude to testify orally of his story as a man of God who learned just a bit of knowledge from World Vision, made it his own and it changed the course of his life, his ministry and his immediate environment. He is our hidden hero.