A child without education is like a bird without wings

Eleven-year-old Chamrong is a sponsored child in Cambodia’s Kampong Speu Province. His father is a farmer and construction worker. His mother works at a village support group.
His mother Eam joined World Vision as a volunteer. She helps children at Reading Camps every weekend to help children improve their five core reading skills.
Chamrong had trouble reading fluently. Every weekend, he spent his time helping his mother facilitate activities at the reading camps, giving him a chance to improve his reading skills.
Now his reading, writing and numeracy skills have greatly improved.

“I was a poor student while I was studying in grade 3, especially in Khmer. My Khmer has been improving,” says Chamrong, who is now in grade 5.
Through the Reading Camp and thanks to his parent’s support, Chamrong's education has progressed. Today, he loves studying, and spends his time at home learning. After class, he spends his time learning English.
“In the future, I want to be as good of a teacher as my teacher … I want to teach the next generation to be smart like me,” adds Chamrong
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