#Budget4Solidarity - the importance of sustainable development in EU budget

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Watch Jonathan Beger, World Vision EU Representation's Director of EU Advocacy, talk about the current EU proposal for the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF):

"The EU is a peace and solidarity project in Europe and despite all the challenges we face in the world its role is to upkeep this success inside and globally.

We believe that the EU needs a budget fit for that purpose. We are concerned that the current proposals on the table speak a language of self interest above the obligation for peace, solidarity and justice in the world. The new external financial instrument is not based on the logic of sustainable development, prevention of further climate change and eradication of poverty. It misses – again – to mainstream and target gender inequalities and it does nothing to safeguard a future for the world’s children, 1.7 billion of them being affected by violence against them every year"