Helping create a learning environment for girls

Friday, January 11, 2013

Girls’ attendance in Laxmi Secondary School in Dhangraha Village Development Committee, Morang, a district in Nepal has increased, with girls enrolment higher than boys.

World Vision has been supporting Laxmi Secondary School since 2007 with many activities like classroom construction, Science laboratory and toilet construction and teacher’s training in child friendly education.

Rajesh Kumar Choudary, the Principal of the school for the past sixteen years shares, “There have been many changes in this school with the support provided by World Vision. Before our school looked like a cow shed but now it has a good structure with a building. We have good and separate toilets for boys and girls. There are more girls than boys studying in this school and they are regular in coming to school. With some of our teachers trained in child friendly teaching and learning, classes are participatory and fun. ”