Commercial Vegetable Farming, Baijnathpur

Monday, September 6, 2010

Meena Majhi lives with her husband and two children in Baijnathpur VDC- 7, Morang District. Since her childhood, all she did was household chores like cutting grass for goats, cleaning utensils and washing clothes. She never received an opportunity to attend school and get educated.

After she got married, life was not easy for her. Being landless, her husband raised money from animal husbandry and unskilled labour. However, this was not enough to raise her family properly.

In 2009, World Vision International Nepal-Morang ADP initiated training for landless people in commercial vegetable farming in Baijnathpur VDC as a part of its Livelihood Project. Meena took part in the training and gained knowledge in growing vegetables for a good market value. After the training, she joined a landless farmer’s group who were provided with seeds, fertiliser and insecticides along with technical support to work on land provided on lease for landless group of farmers.

Reaping the benefits of commercial vegetable farming, earning four times the money she earned in a single year in the bygone days, she says, “I hope the coming season’s vegetables will help me earn more money as I have planted three types of vegetable this time. Last time, I earned 5,000 NRs from selling beans and now I have planted tomato, beans and lettuce.” She has already bought a bull from her first income that helps her in farming. Her son also helps her during his free time after school. Meena plans to work hard in commercial farming and save for her children’s higher education.