World Evangelical Alliance

The World Evangelical Association desires: The fullness of life for every person. A healthy church for every people. An equipped leader for every congregation. The shalom of God for every nation.
For decades, World Vision and World Evangelical Association (WEA) and WEA members have partnered in our outreach to bringing shalom—peace and wholeness—to the world’s most vulnerable children. We share the desire to see local churches actively supporting and engaging in addressing barriers to children’s well-being and leveraging their strengths, assets and influence to promote more enabling environments for children to thrive. World Vision also collaborates with operational members of WEA like Micah Global, Integral Alliance, Converse and Children Everywhere on a range of child-focused agendas.
WEA is a partner in the It Takes a World Campaign and the 2018 Faith Action for Children on the Move conference.
We have engaged in joint advocacy and action related to the Climate Crisis through the Global Climate Vigil at CoP26. Together, along with many others, we are promoting prayer, advocacy and action around the Weekend of Prayer and Action Against hunger, an annual event on World Food Day.