Shkodra : Art, sports, culture, local tourism...

Monday, October 19, 2020

The videos produced for the youth festival are youth lead to show to local and national powerholders, organizations, agencies, possible donors, businesses the unique potential that their specific areas have for development and the socio-economic recovery of their communities.

The videos are not to showcase what specifically has been done by an agency or organization but are fresh concepts by youth members of World Vision Albania and Kosovo supported “Impact Clubs” responding to three key questions:

  • What makes you feel proud about the area where you live and that could "attract" the attention of local/national government/ donors/ businesses for getting support during the recovery process that Albania is going through;
  • What are your recommendations for a wider public to consider/ or spend a day with a family in your area; 
  • Which sectors can be promoted in your community so that the entire community can benefit in the process of socio-economic empowerment of the area.

Youth members of “Impact Clubs” moved away from the usual scenarios talking about problems or the accomplishments of organisations. In this video you will see their creative idea, vision for their communities’ transformation and the key sectors that according to youth can be developed to generate income for their families and communities.

Through these videos, youth act as ambassadors of their communities, raising their voice to get more support for their communities and acting as active citizens which is also core to the Children’s, Adolescents and Youth (CAY) empowerment programme in World Vision Albania and Kosovo.