Providing Life Saving Assistance to the People of Central Mali

World Vision Mali Staff
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

World Vision continues to provide the support the most vulnerable in the hardest to reach places in Central and Northern Mali, as violence and insecurity have crippled life in the region.

In the remote community of Diallassagou, accessed only by about 60 km of rough and bumpy track, a safe haven for displaced people has formed but find it hard to make ends meet. World Vision has been doing food distributions to support the displaced communities.

Saouda Dicko is a 44-year-old mother of seven. She left her community due to the growing insecurity.

Woman in Mali receives food in distribution

“Thanks to World Vision and their partners we have been able to survive. This is the second time I have received food items. I came here with nothing; no clothes, no food, nothing. But thanks to World Vision, my family and I can now live.”

Abdina Dicko, a 70 old man, also fled growing insecurity with his wife and three children.

Older man in Mali who is grateful for support

“In my home, I was growing crops but I had to leave everything behind because of the insecurity. I did not harvest a single grain and I was not able to bring a single thing with me. With World Vision’s support, we have what we need to stay alive.”

In the face of increasing risk, World Vision remains dedicated to the most vulnerable in the hardest to reach places.

Group of people in need in Mali

Our service to those caught up in the conflict in Northern and Central Mali, has reached over 200,000 people, of whom over 50% are children.

Learn more about World Vision's Partnership with World Food Programe through the Integrated Food Assistance Project and other work with partners in Mali.