Press Release: Second Annual Learning Workshop on Peace Education

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Wednesday, July 4, 2018- In Partnership with the Ministry of Women Affairs, World Vision Afghanistan’s peacebuilding project conducted its second annual learning workshop on social peacebuilding and peace education, with the aim of identifying and promoting opportunities for collaboration, networking and joint initiatives.

Those present in the workshop included a representative from the Ministry of Women Affairs, religious leaders, parliament members and children who participate in the project.

The peacebuilding project is an EU funded program primarily focusing on peace promotional and educational activities. The funding was granted to World Vision Afghanistan in March 2016 and is implemented in partnership with SDO in Herat and Noor Safa in Ghor provinces.

Speaking at the event, Spozhmai Wardak, Deputy Minister (Technical &Policy) said: "The role of women in social peacebuilding is very important. A woman is a mother who can either teach her children to react violently or she can impart peace and harmony to them.”

Spozhmai Wardak, Deputy Minister (Technical &Policy) in media interview 

The peacebuilding project focuses on supporting women's active and meaningful participation in local, provincial and national peace processes, as well as their representation in formal and informal decision-making. The project also works to support the implementation of Afghanistan's National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (NAPWPS) and to encourage a culture of peace at the community level.

In addition, the project works with teachers and students in the targeted areas and is currently advocating to integrate a peace-making curriculum [developed by the project and its partners] into the national education system.

Mr Jim Alexander, World Vision Afghanistan’s Country Director giving a speech in the event

“This will help all of us to collectively create a violence-free school environment that supports longer term efforts to empower girls to participate in peacebuilding processes and encourage boys to create space for girls’ voices.” Said Mr. Jim Alexander, World Vision Afghanistan’s Country Director.

In response, Khalil Shahidzada, a national government parliament member publicly committed to support the project’s advocacy effort to integrate peacebuilding into the national education curriculum. 

Children are singing a song in the event. Girls children were among the particpants as well.