Drought Response Capacity Statement

Sunday, September 2, 2018

When disaster strikes, we are on the ground. We help people affected by complex emergencies and natural disasters such as drought and flooding. WVA is a lead responder to the current crises caused by drought, assisting both IDPs and seriously affected people in their places of origin so as to prevent displacement. 

We are a member of the Afghan National Disaster Management Team and are represented in the humanitarian clusters, both at a regional and national level. Early Warning Systems have been established in Badghis province through our projects delivering community level disaster preparedness training and equipment. Emergency Management System (EMS) training has been conducted for WVA staff at both national and zonal office level. 

In emergency response, our relief efforts provide for acute health and hygiene needs, the provision of safe drinking water, child protection interventions, and food assistance through both cash-based programming and food commodity distribution, and non-food items.