World Vision Ethiopia names its Goodwill Ambassador

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

World Vision Ethiopia names Mrs. Firealem Shibabaw, a renowned philanthropist and children advocate, as its Goodwill Ambassador at a National Livelihood and Nutrition Summit held in on 27 July 2018 in Hawassa.

Firealem’s philanthropism and relationship with World Vision dates back to 25 years when she first sponsored a Tanzanian child while she was a young university student in the US. Since then Mrs. Firealem has devoted her life as children advocate focusing on child nutrition. She advocated for children with her peculiar belief that providing children with nutritious food is justice and healthy growth of children is a development index of a country.

Speaking on the occasion Mrs. Firealem said “Food insecurity has remained the major challenge in Ethiopia amid abundant resources the country has. Many children in Ethiopia grow malnourished and stunted. Children who have gown without the adequate nutrition in their early ages will face lifelong effect.” 
“I will be the voice of all Ethiopian children and see them enjoy balanced diet, well-nourished, grow healthy and be productive in their future life,” she added. 

National Director of World Vision Ethiopia, Mr. Edward Brown on his part said “I am grateful to Mrs. Firealem for her willingness to take this huge responsibility to ensure all children enjoy healthy life and achieve their full potential in Ethiopia.” 

Having Mrs. Firealem as a Goodwill Ambassador of World Vision Ethiopia is instrumental in realizing malnutrition free and non-stunted children in Ethiopia.