Tackling child marriage and encouraging girl-child education through the arts!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

World Vision Niger launched a child protection caravan in the village of Fissataou in Maradi. It was launched on Saturday, February 17, 2019 in the presence of the Prefects of the Departments of Guidan Roumdji and Dakoro, the Director of World Vision Niger, the ambassador of the Campaign "It Takes A World to end violence against children", various community leaders, among others.

The aim of the caravan was to raise awareness among rural people in the regions of Maradi and Zinder about child marriage and girl-child education. It ran over two weeks, covering six major villages including Fissataou, Kinti and Zakara in Maradi and Damagaram Takaya, Birni Kazoé and Alberkaram in Zinder.

"A country that wants to ensure a better tomorrow has to make sure to give girls and boys a chance to study and innovate. This cannot be achieved if marriage occurs during childhood, not to mention the health risks associated with child marriage, especially for girls.”

In his opening speech, World Vision's National Director, Yves Habumugisha, reminded that this caravan is part of the “It takes a world to end violence against children” campaign officially launched by World Vision Niger in May 2018. The themes addressed for this campaign are child marriage, child labor, child neglect and children in emergencies. “A country that wants to ensure a better tomorrow has to make sure to give girls and boys a chance to study and innovate. This cannot be achieved if marriage occurs during childhood, not to mention the health risks associated with child marriage, especially for girls," Habumugisha said.

“All marriages that will be celebrated before the bride and groom are at the age of marriage will be cancelled”

The Prefect of the Department of Guidan Roumdji, Saley Djigo, in his address, reiterated the support of his administration in the fight against violence against children. "All marriages that will be celebrated before the bride and groom are at the age of marriage will be cancelled," Mr. Djigo said. In addition, he reiterated the commitment and determination of the highest authorities of the 7th Republic, within the first rank his Excellency Issoufou Mahamadou, President of the Republic, to promote and protect children in Niger. At the end of his speech, he thanked World Vision Niger for the efforts made in the Region concerning the promotion and protection of the rights of the children.

Back to the roots for the ambassador of the campaign, Safia Aminami

About fifty kilometers from the land of her ancestors, Safia Aminami was reborn before an enchanted public. Indeed, during her speech at Birni Kazoé, the artist "Safiath" made a plea for the end of child marriage and the importance of girl-child education. Community members, who came in large numbers, made a commitment to end child marriage.

 "How can you ask a 13-year-old to run a home when many women are struggling to do so?"

On the sidelines of caravan tour, World Vision Niger implemented a training of religious leaders. These trainings were in collaboration with the Islamic Association of Niger. More than 126 imams and village chiefs participated.