2019 Annual Report - Mali
The year 2019 was marked by growing insecurity in Mali; especially in the Center and North of the country. Tens of thousands of children and their families have had to leave their land to relocate to more stable communities. To this, we can add climatic factors, which increase the fragility of the country. The continuous deterioration of the humanitarian situation and the intensification of internal conflicts were at the origin of the renewal of the category 3 emergency response mode in force at World Vision since September 2018 in northern and central Mali.
In this difficult context, World Vision remains faithful to Our Promise and first of all, to our commitment to vulnerable children. In view of the growing needs, World Vision intervened in fragile contexts by focusing on four intervention sectors: Child protection and peace building, food assistance, health and nutrition, water/sanitation and Hygiene and education.
In this report, you will find progress accomplished through our various programs: Sponsorship, Education, Health and Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), food security, resilience, microfinance networks, eco – agriculture, emergency relief, faith and development.