Becoming independent

Photo Andi
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Being able to become independent is a personal victory for each of us. Andi, a 16-year-old from Librazhd experienced his own victory. Early in his childhood, his family had difficulty understanding his behavior, but after several doctor visits, at age 3, Andi was diagnosed with behavioral disorders.

In 2018, he became part of the 'Tungjatjeta' (Hello…Life) programme and began to receive weekly  counselling therapy at-home.

Blerta, the therapist of the 'Hello...Life' team says that the teenager has many talents: singing, presenting and sports. Similar activities are often include in his therapy to make them efficient. Andi presented during  the event organised in the framework of the 2021 International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Librazhd.

Since 2021, Andi, now an adolescent, started receiving counselling therapy similar to services provided by Hello... Life programme from Librazhd Municipality social center.

At first, he had difficulty adapting to the center as he was accustomed to being only with his mother. The center specialists remember that initially Andi would not listen and could not follow through with the therapy, however slowly and persistently, small steps were being made. Now Andi has become more independent, occasionally going to school and the social center by himself or even staying home alone without his mother or brother's presence. He has even been able to go to the nearby store and buy whatever he likes. Recently, he is trying even to take care of himself and make tea without anybody's help.

All these changes are small victories for his mother. She managed to find a job, which a few years ago was impossible because she had to look after Andi every single moment. However, the mother of two boys had the help of her younger son. Occasionally he would accompany his brother to school when his mother could not.

At the school's resource classroom, Andi had the opportunity to make his first steps towards improvement through the support of his support teacher as well as by spending time with his classmates. The young boy is on the right path and even though the changes are small, they are steady. To progress, Andi needs continuous therapy.

World Vision Albania in cooperation with Prrenjas, Librazhd, Bulqiza, Dibra, Rrogozhina, and Lezha Municipalities provides weekly at-home therapy to 196 children through the 'Tungjatjeta...Jetë' programme. In Librazhd, Lezha, and Rrogozhina Municipalities, the programme has also been supported by the social fund of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.