Our work
World Vision Tanzania engages donors, sponsors and other stakeholders to join us in improving the well-being of children and helping to transform the lives of communities.
Currently World Vision sponsors 121,105 children in Tanzania. Through child sponsorship, the children, their families and communities are facilitated with shared benefits such as safe and clean water, access to quality education facilities and infrastructure, access to food and nutrition, health care and the chance to live a life in all its fullness.
WVT operates in 13 regions. We implement our activities through Area Programs (APs) as an entry point within the targeted communities. Presently, we have 48 APs. World Vision Tanzania works with communities in several regions: Kilimanjaro, Manyara, Arusha, Tanga, Morogoro, Dar es Salaam, Dodoma, Singida, Morogoro, Shinyanga, Tabora, Kigoma and Kagera.
VisionFund Tanzania
VisionFund Tanzania (VFT), WVT’s sister organization was established in 1996. Its purpose is to support WVT’s efforts to promote the economic development aspect of livelihood through access to financial services. The WVT National Director is the Board Chair for VFT with responsibility for governance oversight as well as promoting VFT and WVT programmatic integration.
The Great African Food Company
World Vision Tanzania established The Great African Food Company, (GAFCO) as a for-profit enterprise to connect smallholder farmers to local, East African and more profitable global markets, enabling them to climb the value-added continuum in pursuit of higher margins. Through the company World Vision Tanzania creates long-lasting economic opportunities for small-holder farmers that enable them to provide adequate nutrition, education and health needs for their children and families. The company was established in 2013.
Bordered by eight countries, Tanzania sits on the eastern coast of Africa. The country’s three islands — Mafia, Zanzibar, and Pemba — lie to the east in the Indian Ocean.
The population is now estimated at over 51 million, as Tanzania has one of the highest birth rates in the world and more than 44% of the population is under the age of 15. The total fertility rate is 5.01children born per woman, which is the 18th highest of any country.
Agriculture accounts for more than one-quarter of GDP, provides 85 percent of exports, and employs about 80 percent of the work force. Unfortunately, low agricultural productivity has been a problem for the country.
HIV and malaria are serious threats to the country. There is an HIV adult prevalence rate of 5.1 percent and a malaria prevalence rate of 17.7 percent for children under 5 years old.
Access to clean, safe water and sanitation is declining, which is leading to the spread of diseases.
Education standards are declining at both primary and secondary levels as a result of the rapid increase in enrollment. In 2010, only 53 percent of 13-year-olds had completed a full cycle of primary school.
World Vision focuses on improving children’s well-being through child-focused transformational development, disaster management and promotion of justice. The Child Well-being Aspirations provide a practical definition of World Vision’s understanding of well-being for children.
Our goal is “the sustained well-being of children within families and communities, especially the most vulnerable.” World Vision views the well-being of children in holistic terms: healthy individual development (involving physical and mental health, social and spiritual dimensions), positive relationships and a context that provides safety, social justice, and participation in civil society.
The Child Well-being Aspirations are intended as a catalyst for dialogue, discussion and visioning as World Vision partners with children, parents, community partners, churches, governments and other organisations.
Our strategic goal is to contribute to the measurable improvement in the sustained well-being of 15 million boys and girls, especially the most vulnerable.
WVT will mainly focus on Livelihood, Health, Nutrition and WASH, with Livelihood being the primary sector. Spiritual Development and Protection of Children will be cross-cutting functions. Education is prioritized as a secondary objective and will be implemented depending on availability of funds.
Livelihood is the leading strategic aspiration in Tanzania and all WV Tanzania’s area development programmes lead with this component. WVT will ensure increased results in its livelihoods program which works to boost farm productivity and profitability to small-holder farmers (agro-pastoralists and pastoralists), while enhancing resilience by applying farming technologies value chains and providing access to markets and financial services, to better care and support their households by 2020.
Health, Nutrition and Wash
Under the health, nutrition and WASH program, WVT collaborates with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and other key partners to strengthen maternal new-born and child health, nutrition and WASH systems for the well-being of children and empowers households and communities to sustainably access and use these structures by 2020.
Spiritual Development And Protection Of Children
In this area, WVT strives to strengthen spiritual development and protection of children from abuse and all forms of violence by 2020. One of the ways it does this is through prevention, response to and restoration from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children.
WVT seeks to improve quality and equitable access to education for boys and girls in its areas of operation by 2020. The aim is to ensure that children read, write, attain essential life skills and use numeracy skills at an appropriate age.
Key Results in FY17
In 2017, World Vision Tanzania in collaboration with key implementing partners recorded the following positive results;
Livelihoods and Resilience
- 10,453 farmers were organized into 279 crop producer groups, 85 livestock producer groups, and 42 commercial villages.
- 1,101 crop producer group farmers were trained in Climate Smart Agriculture.
- 2,955 farmers were practicing Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration.
- 2,005 households were introduced to renewable energy technologies and 1,497 households were trained in utilization of fuel-efficient stoves.
- 379 water pans were excavated.
- 2,359 hectares of land were marked for land protection.
- 1,477 savings groups were formed comprising 10,506 members with a total saving of US$1,300,690.
- 17,144 most vulnerable children received support from savings groups and community care coalitions worth US$71,280.
Health, Nutrition & Water Sanitation & Hygiene
- 340 community health workers were trained on community maternal newborn care.
- 385 nutrition counselling groups were formed.
- 16,161pregnant women and new mothers were reached with health and nutrition messages.
- 13,475 women (69.6% of total) gave birth to their youngest child at health facilities.
- 7,552 orphans and vulnerable children were supported with clothing and schooling.
- 11,533 pregnant women (94.6% of total) were were offered and
accepted counselling and testing for HIV - 40 water sources were safeguarded.
- 84 km of pipeline and 92 domestic water points were constructed.
- 92,556 households were accessing potable and reliable water sources.
- 79 community owned water supply organizations were established to oversee maintenance and sustainability of water sources.
- 96,911 people were reached on sanitation and hygiene awareness.
- 2,380 households built improved latrines.
- 54 latrines were built for primary schools.
- 137 school WASH clubs were formed and trained.
- 99% of children attend school in World Vision's 51 area programmes
- 597 teachers from 122 primary schools were trained in Literacy Boost teaching methodologies.
- 272 reading camps were established in 103 villages in rural Tanzania and 705 reading camp facilitators were mobilized and trained.
- 121,735 books were purchased and distributed to reading camps benefiting 9,504 children.
- 9,504 children were reached with Literacy Boost programs in 21 area programmes.
- 38 classrooms were constructed.
- 783 desks were distributed to schools.
Child Protection and Advocacy
- 5 districts were supported in creating multi sectoral child protection teams.
- Child protection teams or junior councils were established in 487 wards.
- Committees for the most vulnerable were strengthened in 138 villages.
- 7,806 under-five children and 6,924 adolescents were helped to obtain
birth certificates. - 214 practitioners were trained to lead the global It Takes a World to end Violence against Children campaign in their respective communities.
Faith and Development
- 1,486 change agents were trained on Empowered Worldview in 31 area programmes.
- 813 church and community leaders were trained on Channels of Hope models.
- 235 church leaders and Sunday school teachers were trained on spiritual nurture of children.
- 1,432 change agents were empowered on positive parenting.
- 320 faith leaders formed 8 faith-based saving groups in 5 area programmes.
Disaster Management
- 175,825 Burundi refugees in Nduta and Mtendeli camps received food distribution under World Vision management.
- 48,783 people including children and pregnant women benefitted from supplementary feeding programmes.
- 9 primary schools benefiting 7,787 school children were rehabilitated following the Kagera earthquake
- 11,104 individuals in 2,129 households were provided with shelters and construction materials after the Kagera earthquake,
- 402 village disaster management committees were trained on early
warning, early actions, preparedness and mitigations.