(Haree versaun Tetun iha okos)
We believe education from an early age is essential to promote a culture of learning within families. It sets the foundation for success in primary school and beyond. Our work helps to improve access to quality education for children under five and primary school children. Our Child-Friendly Spaces provide children under five a place to learn and play in a safe, secure, stimulating, supportive and inclusive environment.
Read stories:
Early childhood education helps children achieve life in all its fullness
Home-based childcare centre preparing children for school and life
Early education centre boosts village health
Ami fiar katak edukasaun hahú idade sedu mak esensiál hodi promove kultura aprendizajen ida iha família laran. Ne’e estabelese hanesan fundasaun hodi susesu iha eskola primária no tuirmai. Ami-nia servisu ajuda hodi hadi’ak asesu ba kualidade edukasaun ba labarik sira idade seidauk to’o tinan lima no labarik eskola primária. Ami-nia Fatin Haksolok Labarik nian fornese fatin ida ba labarik idade menór tinan lima hodi aprende no halimar iha ambiente inkluzivu ida seguru, estimulante, no solidáriu.
Lee istória sira:
Early childhood education helps children achieve life in all its fullness
Home-based childcare centre preparing children for school and life